creating spaces that liberate.

creating spaces that liberate.

Guiding you deeper into joy, ceremony and celebration through elevated, integrative offerings.


I’m Jenny.

Welcome to my loved-up nook of the interwebs. I’m so glad you’re here.

It’s sometimes challenging to put words to the feelings that my work aims to evoke.
I view life as a ceremony, as living art. And one of my missions is to weave that into my offerings.

At my essence, I am a ceremonialist. I create ceremonial spaces that liberate, and guide women closer and deeper into joy, connection and celebration. I design and facilitate experiences for those who desire to be cracked open and set free by the sacred beauty of life. I see sisterhood as medicine, and admire those who feel brave enough to accept, love, and welcome home the entire spectrum of their Being - or at least, try.

In my work, I weave in release, remembrance, reclamation and celebration, helping women embody all of who and what they are. It’s my passion, and my purpose.

Now, how about we get to know one another a little more?

1:1 Mentorship

The Art of Holding Space

For those who feel the call to design experiences, create containers, weave connection, hold sacred space and learn the art of this work.

Whether you’re a seasoned facilitator looking to refine and elevate your offerings, or you’re dreaming of hosting retreats and other immersive containers, I'm here to support and guide you into this space and through this process; to pass the torch, help you hone your craft, and distill down your ‘why’ and how to translate those values into your own unique offerings.

I’ve designed 4 ways we can work together.

For more details, click ‘work with me.’

Featured Retreat.

Harvest + Kin
food, friends, ceremony + celebration.

Next dates:
November 1-3 | Bowen Island BC

At its heart, this weekend retreat is intended to connect you with community, to sisterhood, to your self; to attune you to your inner radiance, abundance and sacred joy through a variety of rituals and ceremonies. The practices and workshops offered provide a balance of stillness and self-reflection, community and connection — helping awaken your well-being and innate capacity for self-celebration and evolution.

For more details, click the learn more button or visit our Harvest + Kin page.

“I can't put into words how profound Jenny’s retreat was for me. I was so aligned with every single moment that was facilitated. I truly did not believe that I would ever meet my "tribe". My heart could not feel more full from the relationships formed and the healing that took place. This weekend was really the catalyst to finally, finally learn to love myself and know my worth.
The changes that have happened in my life since make me certain that what Jenny has created is magic.”

— Amber K.

What I Offer:

  • 1:1 Mentorship

  • Women’s Retreats

  • Workshops + Series

  • Moon Rituals + Ceremonies

  • Women’s Circles + Song Circles

  • Guided Meditation

  • “Cha Dao” Tea Ceremony

    *many offerings can translate into the virtual space

“Doing the work” is not about changing away from who we are, becoming someone else, or rejecting parts of ourselves. It’s about returning, remembering, reclaiming and integrating; welcoming all the parts of ourselves home with deep acceptance and love… and experiencing the wholeness of our Being.

— Jenn River

I respectfully live and work on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples–Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations. I offer my deepest gratitude to the caretakers of this land and it’s sacred and continued history.

Kind words from the community.

"Jenny has a unique gift of taking women on a journey deeper within themselves with a warmth, ease, and celebration evoked from the thoughtful subtleties within her rituals. Her sweet Libra soul creates a sensory and medicinal experience from the ethereal music, to the visual artistry of her guided meditations. I found myself in a deep heart centered realm, mirrored and strengthened further by the vulnerability and experiences of one another in her intimate, ceremonious circle."

— Emily S.

"Over a span of four weeks, Jenny guided me through the most beautiful journey of self-discovery, exploration and love. It was soul-soothing being in community with amazing women - each inspiring and captivating in their own unique ways. Jenny is a truly beautiful leader who hears you, sees you, and encourages you along your journey. I cannot recommend her enough. Her energy is infectious and it will leave you feeling fuller and brighter.”

— Heather L.

“Jenny’s workshop series are a place of deep remembering for me: a place where I can settle into the discovery and celebration of myself. I cannot quite express how profound I find her offerings — true journeys.

Jenny is a radiant, gifted teacher, who creates experiences too beautiful for words.”

— Joanna C.

“Working with Jenn was a transformational, pivotal choice toward embarking on my path of healing. I have experienced an inspiring, intense, very Real shift in my life. She continues to offer me support, love, and opportunity to continue my healing. If you are considering working with her, don’t wait. You’re ready.”

— Elizabeth G.

“Every little detail during Jenny’s day retreats are thoughtful, intentional and beautiful. In a short 6 hours, I leave feeling rejuvenated, refilled, and re-grounded with my Self. The diversity of focus areas from intuitive body movement, meditation, tea ceremony, and all the little blissful moments in-between was complimented with just enough space to absorb the beauty and stillness of the day. I would highly (and I mean highly) recommend any of her retreats, daily or weekly, for those seeking to connect to themselves on the purest level. I will forever thank her for two of the best days of my life, and I cannot wait to be a part of many more.”

— Sierra W.

“Jenny’s workshop was a completely magical journey home! It was so beautifully put together. Through movement, sound and soul prompting questions I was able to access a place deep within. Authentic and raw, yet incredibly supportive. It was a truly beautiful afternoon amongst woman. This work resonated so deeply with me, I left the space buzzing with a sense of renewed energy. A little mystery that is awaiting to be discovered. Highly recommended.”

— Megan M.