The Altar | Morning Series

Start your day with sacred intention.

This 5 day live series is held on zoom for 30 minutes each morning.

It is designed for those looking to begin their day with a little more inspired action, and slow and sacred intention. I will guide you inwards with meditation, gentle movement, prompted journaling and self-inquiry.

Inspire and ignite your morning practice.

Guided Meditation

Each morning I will guide you through a 15 minute guided meditation. The meditation is thoughtfully designed to lead you inward, strengthening your relationship to your intuition and connecting you to your inner voice.

Gentle Stretch

Each morning I will guide you through a gentle 15 minute stretch. The movement practice is carefully designed to connect you with your body, increasing circulation and blood flow through easeful postures and mindful breath.

Daily Journal Prompts

Each morning practice I will leave you with a journal prompt for self-inquiry. This is a way for you to dive more deeply into your inner realms with openness and curiosity and continue your day with sacred intention.

Investment: $44

*this includes 5 x 30 minute live Zoom classes
*to uphold the integrity of this offering, Zoom recordings will not be provided

My Mission

Rising early and creating ritual in my morning has been a beautiful gift in my life. I will admit that I go through seasons where this feels most aligned for me, but the Autumn/Winter months always re-inspire me and pull me in.

Remember that our habits become our actions, and our actions direct our life.

Something I've learned for myself is that accountability is key. Often times we simply need something or someone to lean on while we build a new habit - and that's okay! That's why I'm here.

I'm your someone, and this is your something, and this community is here to support you.

I'd love to support you in inspiring and igniting your own morning practice — however it ends up taking shape after our time together.